-=Rising Influence=-

Rising Influence Forum!

New intro see it here http://www.rising-influence.cjb.net

February 21
I'm making an attempt to put up some RI news. Everyone's been REALLY busy and we haven't had time to wipe our asses let alone practice and write new songs. Emo Kid is done, and who knows when we're gonna finish the rest of out CD, could be a month could be the end of the summer. We're trying our best to get some concerts to play and practice as much as possible so we CAN get concerts, but you know how that can be. Anyway, same old shit going on here, and the McCullay Culkin song sucks ass, hopefully we'll get something worth recording. I'm gonna try to post some new pictures and fix the site so it's not so shitty, not that it really matters anyway. Maybe you can look for us at some local shows sometime, we still ROCK, just not as often as before. ;)

NEWS> CHECK OUT OUR MUSIC AT WWW.MP3.COM search "RISING INFLUENCE", we are second on the list. We have one song on there now with more to come. CHECK IT OUT